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Age group:
State do you live in?
How many people reside in your household?
What is your marital status?
* Do you currently own: (check all that apply)
Gibson Dinnerware     
Gibson Flatware
Gibson  Glassware
Gibson Accessories
Other Gibson Product
* How long have you been buying Gibson product?
Over 10 years  
More than 5 years, but less than 10
Between 2 and 5 years
Less than a year
I have yet to purchase Gibson product
* What were you looking for at (check all that apply)
Information regarding product and purchasing online
Information about the company
Images of new and existing products
Contact information, so I could ask Gibson a question
Additional information about Gibson product lines
Information on how Gibson product is made
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Somewhat Difficult
Very difficult
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If No, what couldn't you find?
* Overall, how would you rate the site?
Please indicate your interest in Gibson providing you with the following features on the web site:
* What, specifically, do you like about your Gibson product? (check all that apply)
Price, value of product
Familiar name you can trust
Quality of product
Availability of matching accessories
* What improvements could we make to the site or our product to be of better service to you?
* Do you wish to receive future promotional communications from Gibson?
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